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  • What is the point of Permanent Jewelry?

    Permanent jewelry refers to a piece (usually a necklace or bracelet) that’s welded together instead of secured with a clasp. Just as there are many reasons people wear regular jewelry, there are different reasons they choose to wear permanent jewelry.

    Whether you want a way to mark the birth of a child or simply want to avoid the hassle of clasping and removing your bracelet daily, a piece of permanent jewelry may be for you.

  • Types of Permanent Jewelry

    • Bracelets are by far the most popular type of permanent jewelry. They typically feature a gold chain with or without additional charms.
    • Anklet: Anklets are very similar to bracelets, though they usually need to be longer so will cost a bit more.
    • Necklace: The same goes for necklaces, which you can also get as permanent jewelry.
    • Rings: While plenty of people wear gold bands or diamonds they never take off, a permanent ring is made from the same type of thin gold chain as other permanent jewelry pieces and precisely fitted the same way.
  • How does Permanent Jewelry work?

    The process of getting a piece of permanent jewelry is surprisingly quick. “After you pick your chain and any charms, our expertly trained team of jewelers will measure the perfect fit and weld it to your wrist,” Vardi says. It’s that simple: Pick a piece, get it fitted, and weld. And considering that most chains used are quite small, the welding itself is the quickest part of the process. That said, especially since the piece does need to be fitted and adjusted by an expert, you will likely need to make an appointment ahead of time.